
Thursday, June 12, 2014

O Jogo Bonito World Cup 2014

There is only one thing better than Brazilian soccer and that is Brazilian soccer during the World Cup.  More people watch the World Cup than the Olympics.

It is difficult for the average non-soccer follower to completely understand because the level of intense enthusiasm and expectation that Brazilians have is actually beyond that of any sport here in the US or, in my opinion, any other sport in the world.  It is an incredible feeling to be at just a normal club soccer game which I did once in Rio de Janeiro at Maracana stadium (100,000 cap.)  That was like an NBA finals experience.   So, I can't really wrap my head around what it will be like today or the rest of the tournament during the World cup games when Brazil plays.

Soccer is more like a religion in Brazil than any other country.  Banks close, stock markets respond to local club team wins and losses. Most people don't work on game days.  It is in their blood.  I remember back in '82 when Brazil lost someone wrapped themselves in a flag and jumped off a building....  yeah, intense.  I remember one Sunday at church our leader got up and said that he was cutting short our meetings so the congregation could go home and watch the game!

One Englishman summed it up best:

"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."
Bill Shankly - English soccer manager.

When they play at their best, it is something beautiful to behold....  Their style is unlike others.... totally fluid, creative and free flowing.... It would be like comparing free style Jazz to an orchestra playing classical music.  You have no idea what combinations are going to come out each time they come down the field, just like a saxophone solo.  So that is why it is so captivating to watch.

It is amazing that a simple love affair a young Brazilian boy has with a soccer ball can inspire an entire nation. Today one "boy" named Neymar scored twice to lift Brazil to the first win of the 2014 World Cup.  His country cheered in unison around him.

Call me a traitor but I have to go with Brazil during the World Cup.  Futebol, está no meu sangue....

Vai Ganhar o Jogo Bonito

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