
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Things we found in the Fire....

School ended for the kids a week or so ago.  They somehow seem to accumulate piles of paper in the form of homework, notebooks, tests, quizzes, syllabus', notes  throughout the year.

A year ago we started our first end of school bonfire in the backyard firepit.  This means burning all of those piles of paper.  The time had come for year No. 2.  We like to call it Family Home Evening with a twist:  The lesson, activity and treat are all wrapped into one.

1.  The Lesson:  Discussions of what transpired during the year.  Everyone talks about their highlights, lowlights and what they learned.  It usually involves talking about crazy teachers, horrible homework, ridiculous tests, friends, and awesome events.
2.  Activity:  Wadding and throwing of paper accurately into the fire.  (Super highly underrated activity btw)
3. Treat:  Wadding and throwing of paper accurately into the fire!!  :   ) ....... Actually, the treat is S'mores at the end!  

So, we gathered up all the years' schoolwork, sorted into 5 piles, one for each of us, found matches, lit the kindling and started wadding up every single paper into a ball and started throwing them into the fire.  There are seriously hundreds of pages.  One by one each is scanned, sometimes re-read and occasionally placed into an unexpected "save" pile.  It usually takes a couple of hours.  During the wadding and throwing we start reviewing the year.... we recount the highlights, re-tell the stories, hear new things that never made it to conversation until if they just happened. 
 COMMERCIAL BREAK:  Parents- you want to get your kids talking?  Get a bonfire going where they can throw things into it and they will start talking about things you never would have heard otherwise......So fun!
After we get enough coals going, we put in the tinfoil dinners while we keep going.  I come across some little treasures in my pile of soon-to-be-burnt offerings.  They are short stories that McKenna wrote in English.  They are totally hilarious fairy tales full of cheesy romance with contrasting death and destruction sub-themes weaved in.  I read these out loud to the rest of the family causing everyone to end up belly laughing.  Those are keepers.....Then there are those precious gems I find......the little genius doodles that are drawn in the margins of Chemistry homework.  Little sketches long forgotten.....almost burned to death....saved by virtue of a ceremonial ritual.

I pause and check the tinfoil dinners as we hear their juices crackling and hissing inside.  They smell as good as if we were camping.  I throw the first one on a doubled-up paper plate and burn my fingers trying to open up the two layers of foil.  The steam pours out and the smell engulfs my nose....."Ahh!  I hope the potatoes and carrots aren't crunchy" I say to myself.  First bite of potato is perfect.....almost scalds.....Ok, enough of that.... you know what I am talking about.  I get them all ready and we dine like kings....

.....the fire has died down while we have eaten so now needs to be stoked again..... soon a steady stream of paper wads all find their way into the by one.....the orange flames grow longer and brighter......the aura of heat returns....I back my camp chair back a foot.....finally, the piles of paper are gone....the conversation quiets.....S'mores are finally eaten and then an unplanned transition occurs.....we all slowly fix our gaze on the fire......eyes transfixed--what an easy place to get lost in....

Fire is so metaphorical.  Most of the time the word conjures up feelings of panic and fear. We spend a lot of time preventing and putting out fires.  For good reason......However, the world actually needs fire.   It is a cyclical phenomenon that is important to Earth's environmental life cycle.  

 Fire burns down things so that new things can come up and grow. 

I began connecting what we were doing with that life cycle idea--We were closing out a school year in order to prepare for a new one.  We were purging.....ending things so new things could begin.  It was a cool revelation of how the moment of throwing something tangible became a process of "tossing' other non-paper "wads" of other things in our lives into the "fire" of life.  With each toss, something new was put in its place.... a new hope, a new horizon.  New dirt to seed thoughts ideas and actions.  New growth.......Our little experience became a spiritual experience.  We found the Spirit in the fire.

Some things we found in our fire:
1.  Fire can bring families together
2.  Kids get it when you provide the right environment for learning
3.  Ending things together on our own terms can feel incredibly satisfying
4.  There is spirituality in fire
5.  There is spiritual fire
6.  Spiritual fire can cleanse 
7.  We need Spiritual fire to live our lives in meaningful ways.
8.  There is a forever supply of new beginnings and growth from fire

There was another fire once.... long ago a man was asked to build a fire, and sacrifice something very dear to him in that fire:
 "And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"                                        ---Genesis 22:7
Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't, but either way Isaac was going to be that offering put into that fire.  God stayed Abraham's hand but he learned the greatest lesson that day because it was a mirror of what God would end up doing with His son Jesus Christ.  Abraham received a taste of what it would feel like for God to witness the sacrifice of His Son.  Abraham found a profound lesson in that particular fire....

The ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate fire, the ultimate hope and new horizon.

I wonder what we are going to find in next years fire.... ?  What will you find in yours?

Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, "My father!" And he said, "Here I am, my son." And he said, "Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" - See more at:

Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, "My father!" And he said, "Here I am, my son." And he said, "Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" - See more at:
Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, "My father!" And he said, "Here I am, my son." And he said, "Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" - See more at:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

O Jogo Bonito World Cup 2014

There is only one thing better than Brazilian soccer and that is Brazilian soccer during the World Cup.  More people watch the World Cup than the Olympics.

It is difficult for the average non-soccer follower to completely understand because the level of intense enthusiasm and expectation that Brazilians have is actually beyond that of any sport here in the US or, in my opinion, any other sport in the world.  It is an incredible feeling to be at just a normal club soccer game which I did once in Rio de Janeiro at Maracana stadium (100,000 cap.)  That was like an NBA finals experience.   So, I can't really wrap my head around what it will be like today or the rest of the tournament during the World cup games when Brazil plays.

Soccer is more like a religion in Brazil than any other country.  Banks close, stock markets respond to local club team wins and losses. Most people don't work on game days.  It is in their blood.  I remember back in '82 when Brazil lost someone wrapped themselves in a flag and jumped off a building....  yeah, intense.  I remember one Sunday at church our leader got up and said that he was cutting short our meetings so the congregation could go home and watch the game!

One Englishman summed it up best:

"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."
Bill Shankly - English soccer manager.

When they play at their best, it is something beautiful to behold....  Their style is unlike others.... totally fluid, creative and free flowing.... It would be like comparing free style Jazz to an orchestra playing classical music.  You have no idea what combinations are going to come out each time they come down the field, just like a saxophone solo.  So that is why it is so captivating to watch.

It is amazing that a simple love affair a young Brazilian boy has with a soccer ball can inspire an entire nation. Today one "boy" named Neymar scored twice to lift Brazil to the first win of the 2014 World Cup.  His country cheered in unison around him.

Call me a traitor but I have to go with Brazil during the World Cup.  Futebol, está no meu sangue....

Vai Ganhar o Jogo Bonito

Friday, June 6, 2014

"Hey Dad, I got some Art Supplies today!"

Girl 1
How many times have you bought little art supplies kits over the years for your kids?  Remember how cool they were to get as a kid....All those crayons and colored pencils all lined up next to each other. Paintbrushes and sometimes pastels (which were always funner to look at then actually use).  I remember how fast crayons and pencils would break or get lost.

So, this is what McKenna told me two days ago. She went out and bought some "art supplies". Sure, why not..... it's the first week of summer.....she is trying to rehab her torn ACL.  So, she has a bit of time to kill..

I was expecting maybe some bunnies, kittens or little puppies that she is always squealing about.  I find her new sketch book on the computer desk.....II can never resist....(which she knows)....and so I open it and there is "Girl 1".  I look and wonder "Really?  McKenna did this?"

Just then she walks in... I am like, "woah, this is really nice!"  She smiles and says "Thanks".  I ask, "When did you do this?"  "An hour or so ago" she says.  I look at her again and she gets this cool smile as if she has been waiting for months for me to walk into this conversation..... oh yeah, she knows she just did something very good.

Girl 2
Fast forward two hours.  I get home after doing some errands.  I stop by the book again to see how Girl 1 is shaping up....Instead I see Girl 2.  "What the...?" So I ask: "Where did this one come from??  She says casually:  "I wanted to do another one..."  I'm all:  Really.....?

I take my time and soak in the details.  The wispy hair strands, following the line of sight of her eyes makes me want to know what she is looking at.., the forward hunchedness of her shoulders....The overall expression is something like "reflective but aloof". Makes me wonder what she is thinking about.  It was fun to absorb this for a minute and then connected the dots to what some simple Art Supplies can actually do!

*Quick Rewind:   I remember how at school I had my school supplies box.  It consisted of a small bottle of paste and a bunch of popsicle sticks, glue, bad scissors, crayons etc....  it was fun to organize all the little parts into their proper space.  By the end of the first week it became a junk box.  They produced wonders such as a handprint turkey and gluing popsicle sticks together to make a beautiful but completely "disfunctional" fan.

McKenna,  I love your work.  This is week 1 of an entire Summer.  There are lots of blank pages left in your sketch pad.... Man I cannot wait to see what will end up being in there by August 30!

Here's a shout out for Art Supplies!