
Friday, November 6, 2020

Friends....part II

Friends.....!!!  Unspeakable gratitude... 

I wrote about Friendship in a previous post. I am forever wrapped up in them, and them in me. For better or worse, it doesn't matter. It is both the better and worse that makes them so wonderful.

Although I have had many in my life, I have learned more about friendship this past year than in all my life put together. 

Just when I thought I was the "bestest" friend ever to someone, I found out that I was not actually at all.... But to me that means I am trying, not giving up or worse...not doing anything at all. 

I don't believe friendship can be passive. It can be hard and rocky, but that is why we hold hands together over those "speed bumps" and that when the green meadows open up, we can run free through them together as well. I am so grateful to God, for my friends....

Do you have that friend that texts you at 11:00pm and say's "hey, listen to this tune and let me know what you think"  Knowing that I will spend an hour listening to it over and over and then over-analyzing it for deeper meaning and then sharing those insights together.  

Do you have that friend that reminds you to have the best day ever?  That sends pics of their dog laying out by the pool?  That reminds you of a memory that brings back incredible feelings and warmth?

I do... I hope you do too....

I guess the question is, if friendship means that much to me, then am I that friend to them?  COVID is a great excuse to find one that you haven't found for awhile and to renew something great!

Happy meadows friend....!