
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Shoes Rock!

What is it about shoes that make me feel I can never have enough ?? I am not going to say how many pair I have...but all I know is that there is always at least one pair lurking out there......just out of reach, consuming me, making me wonder how I can pull the potential purchase off and still feel justified!! 

I love shoes, like seriously.  

I wonder what Mr. Cole Haan will do with his extra time in the next life.....

1 comment:

Rachel Ashmore said...

Aaron! Andrew and I have been searching for your blog for a long time! We are very happy to have found it at last. At the funeral, we wrote your address on the paper table cloth and then it got thrown away before we could save it. We searched everything that had to do with baby boomers and aaron brown and portugese that we could think of but to no avail. Tonight, I got an e-mail with the list of Brown Family blogs and yours is the only one on the list for the Bob Brown fam. Well, anyway,hooray we found you! We look forward to more updates on your life...and your shoes... =)

Love, us