Don't ask me why I started watching this series.....I didn't grow up with dogs and so it makes my watching it even more puzzling. How I became fascinated with this particular show I can't say except there was something quite remarkable about Cesar Milan and his ability to help solve a variety of "dog problems".
It was after when Cesar said he said that what he does has little to do with the dogs and a lot more about training the humans. It seemed subtle, but that hit me.
When I heard those words that something clicked inside. I instantly recognized my attraction. It was exactly that.... that what he was doing was using his knowledge of dogs to help train, discipline and rehabilitate the human.....interesting. It wasn't really about the dogs so much.
It changed how I watched all subsequent episodes. I began focusing through a different lens to watch him do his thing. The irony is that the human owners really didn't see it that often. They didn't know they were paying Cesar to help them vs their dog. They only saw the different behavior of the dog vs. their own. They knew they had to do different things, put new habits into place, but I am not sure how often they realized that they were the cause of their poor dogs behavior.
I loved that idea.... The seemingly mystifying "dog magic" was really about intuitive sense of people who had the wrong mindset, belief windows and behaviors that was causing a variety of problems with their dogs. They often were at their wits end and desperate for some relief. They often couldn't just see their own blindspots.
I completely realize this show is not shattering revelation to most people. I am actually probably catching up with everyone else--Yes, slow poke. What I loved being reminded of is that those dog owners are just like us, even if we don't have dogs. The idea that we all need to have someone see us for who we are and then at times, when we really need it to be open to feedback.
How often are we causing grief for others and we don't even know we are the cause? Are we those parents causing unnecessary interference for our kids? Do we think we are always right? Do we feel justified in our friendships and other relationships or would it be helpful to have a "Cesar Milan" in our lives show up and be able to point things out to us, in a helpful way that we just can't see? Maybe a peek into a mirror to get sense of equilibrium and truth. We may not always like what we hear or see. We sometimes won't face the pain because the truth may hurt too much. What are the implications if we don't? Do we pay much more later as a result of postponing a change of heart, a belief or changing a particular behavior?
It is incredible to see how the human dog owners show up with so much more happiness, confidence and spirit when after a few adjustments, the so called bad behavior of the dog no longer exists. It is a beautiful thing to see....
I think that is why I relate to the humanness of these non-human shows... We identify with the tears, the fears and the dreams they all have. We want their success maybe because we secretly believe we can also win in our own little circles of life, whether that be a dog, horse or cat. They are just metaphors for learning more about ourselves and trying to improve all the while.
It is ironic that we can't seem to get through this life just by ourselves as well as when we are open to others helping us. Thank heaven for people with talent to see in us what we can't. And the courage they show to tell it like they see it. Even if they aren't always right, it is helpful to see a different point of view.
Is it not a beautiful think to feel the reward of having someone point something out that you do so well that you never thought was there or would have ever believed was possible? Or to show the mirror back to you about something you did that got in the way that you didn't know you were doing? Kind of like having your foot caught in a trap that you couldn't free yourself from alone. Then feeling the release of such a prison, by letting yourself listen, letting the feedback enter your mind, trickle down to your heart and then to feel the honesty and truth. Then hopefully , letting yourself to actually believe it and see different results.....
Pretty powerful magic.....
I wonder if the world could use a little more Cesar Milan.
Hmmm.....Maybe I will get a dog afterall.