Landon (Missionary in Edmonton, Canada) sent home a box with a family that stayed with us that he had become friends with there. We were so excited to go through his 'stuff'. There was something for each of the kids. There was chocolate, and other cool candy from Canada, a Chinese ping pong paddle for Braden, some Chinese jewelry for the girls etc....
At the bottom of the box was a pair of worn out shoes. At first glance I thought, "Good heavens, why did you send these home--should have thrown them out!" I looked again....I recognized them.... they were mine since about 2004 when I bought them in NY. I remember when Landon finally grew into them a year before his mission years later. He used to wear them to church. Then they were good enough to keep on truckin' to Canada. I didn't think they would last nearly as long as they did.
I looked closer... I saw the area on the heel where he had really worn through the sole, but what put a smile on my face was the use of "shoe goo". This meant that he was actually trying to hold these suckers together for as long as he could. Memories of my Dad putting shoe goo on my tennis shoes came flooding back! The stuff really works by the way.
I couldn't help but sit there with shoe in hand and start to wonder what stories these shoes might tell. They had seen a few miles, probably weathered at least one Northern Canadian winter and all other manner of streets, paths, grass, gunk and gook. What I was reminded of is that these shoes weren't really the thing to focus on... no, what became immediately more important were the destinations:......the people, the meaningful exchanges, friendships, prayers and families that happened because of these shoes. They were a simple "means to an end, not the "end" unto itself." To me in that moment, they represented a thousand memories that all involved people as the "end".
I felt a warm feeling spread through me as I imagined Landon putting on the shoe goo every couple of nights....then hoping his feet would stay dry with the hole in the sole getting wider each day. There came a time, I am sure when he finally looked at them and said: "Ok shoes, you have done me well, thank you! We have traveled well together you and I...you have carried me all these days and have never let me down.....We worked so hard together..."
I will never forget the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.... An unassuming man from Wyoming named Rulon Gardner beat Alexander Karelin, the supposedly unbeatable heavyweight to win the Gold. It was amazing.....actually stunning! Everyone told him he should have quit, but he didn't. He went on to win the Bronze medal 4 years later. As soon as the referee lifted his arm, he immediately wrapped himself in an American flag, wiped the tears from his eyes and sat down and started untying his shoes. He then placed them in the center of the mat and left. This for wrestlers, is the metaphor of retirement.... not because they are old, but rather an expression of their effort. Gardner said it so well:
"To leave them on the mat meant I left everything on the mat as a wrestler,"
I clearly remember watching all of this with much reverence. I totally felt like I was witnessing something incredibly special and personal that would leave a mark on me forever. I had no idea what he was doing, or why he did it until the announcer explained. I remember how I felt, I remember my own wet eyes and the pride I felt in being of the same nationality of this great athlete warrior. Maybe you watched too and remember as well....
So, I thought again one last time before I put Landon's missionary shoes back in the "box" (mat) and felt the Spirit come over me and I thought about this parallel.... maybe Landon was taking off his shoes as well.... Could it be that he gave his all and left everything he had as well on the "mat" of his missionary call and stewardship thus far ? I don't know... but I would like to think so. All I really know is that same feeling watching Rulon during the Olympics came to me in that moment and caused in me many emotions of gratitude for his effort, his desire and dedication to work so hard on the behalf of others and to be a warrior for the cause he believes in, that of serving our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who we all know, at the end of his life, put everything he had, literally his life in the center of the atonement "mat" for every one of us, so that we can live again, forever in His presence and to feel the exquisiteness of His love.
I never learned more from a pair of shoes like I did with that gosh darn 'ol pair......
Now.... all I need to do is follow your example and hope that at the end of my last match, I can place my shoes on the center of my life's mat and walk away with the same feelings that Rulon and Landon have..... Landon, you were inspired to send them, I needed to touch, feel and experience them.......for which I will be forever grateful.
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