.... It was about 7:30pm and the sky had that very cool golden summer glow about it. It was warm, but not too much....good warm, if that makes sense. I had no idea where I was going to go, I totally let my feet just do the thinking for me this time.... It was great. I couldn't wait to see where they would take me.....
Somewhere in the middle I glanced down and realized I didn't recognize the shoes I was wearing. I stopped turned one foot to the side and saw the familiar Nike swoosh... "Oh! These are Braden's" I said to myself. "Cool!" They fit great. That was when things changed.... suddenly my walk turned into something quite remarkably different than what I had set out for...... yes, good different.....
I found my thoughts turning towards and tuning into him. I imagined him in the MTC, doing the things missionaries do there to get ready for their landing place. As I imagined him this feeling of reverence came over me. I was walking in his shoes.... Woah! A very powerful emotion washed over me and it it was important. I had never done that before..... that is, to try and be Braden for a few minutes.... I felt the magnitude of what he was doing. His commitment to his Heavenly Father to sacrifice 2 years of his life to go to a foreign country, learn Thai, which is so wicked hard to learn and more importantly leave some very very special people behind to do this... and I am not talking about his family!
For a guy who doesn't share very much out loud with words, I felt a mountain load of what might be going on inside this guy in a flash. I felt the weight of his love for this gospel, for his Savior and for his God. I felt his testimony, I felt a lifetime of doing right, of inch by inch preparing for this particular moment. The more that came to me, the waterfall of emotions cascading down my soul I realized how very special it was that I had put my feet into his shoes for this walk. It was an honor to put myself "in his shoes", to trigger a glimpse of his life as he sees it. I couldn't do it very well. Braden's brain is different than most. I am not smart to be able to break things down as he does. So, I pretended to know, to see and to feel what he might but I quickly realized I was so out of his league, it was undescribably wonderful to walk "with him", as if wearing his shoes brought him right there with me. I loved that idea so much that I started talking to him as if he were there... So silly I know! But it was so cool. In fact.... it was quite beautiful.
Have you ever done that? Try it... I invite you.... go find a pair of someone else's shoes (that fit!) and take a walk. Imagine them with you. Be open... and let it all come. I am curious for what you experience and more importantly what you learn from it.
I went for a walk today... I left alone, but I came back not alone....with more than I left. The best part is I know I can do it again.... and again. I have a way to find him now, while he is away. What a great secret to know.
My heart is so full... Braden, thank you for leaving those shoes...you left a part of you that I can find....
You had no idea did you?
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