One of my most favorite things to do in this great HOA I live in called Daybreak is to take walks. They have miles of paths through interesting neighborhoods and around our own lake. I try to vary the route with each walk which is very amusing to me. It is in a very small way, it is a means for me to use my creativity and curiosity. I can dream up a route as I walk it and it can be different every single day.
This day, I was walking and I came up on this man and his young son also taking a weekend stroll. I normally don't pay that much attention to others who pass by. My imagination was captured with this pair for some reason..... So I decided to slow down and just observe them for a while.
My first thoughts were that they were adorable. What was interesting is that I noticed they didn't interact at all. They just walked in a kind of unison that seemed normal but not at the same time. Normally kids are running all around touching and exploring things. Usually parents are coaxing/yelling at them to get back on the path or having to keep up with them. This was very different. This kid didn't seem to be more than 4. He walked passively, eyes ahead, and straight ahead. He wasn't peppering his Dad with a thousand questions or pulling him this way or that. Dad seemed to be in his own thoughts as well, not necessarily paying attention to the little guy too much. But despite their lack of verbal communication, they seemed to be very in synch and unified. There was a silent language between them, or maybe it would be better to say that there seemed to be a mutual understanding of how this walk was going to take place. I thought maybe they had done this so many times that this rhythm was now an understood pattern. They didn't need to talk. They seemed entirely content just being together. There was the occasional look back up to Dad maybe just to make sure that he was still there and that all was ok. The Dad never said anything but maybe smiled back to reassure him that that he was doing well.
What I admired the most was the obvious but silent connection they had. There was a deep mindfulness about it that struck me. They had put forth the effort to make this walk. They probably talked about it beforehand and my guess is that the boy was happy to go for a walk with Dad. There was a clear connection between them and I could feel it and I loved that I was enjoying what was taking place.
After a while, my thoughts reached out to new places like a ivy looking for what to climb next. I thought about the idea of walking quietly with someone..... not talking, just walking. Being together, but being just being..... still. There is wonder in stillness.
I notice that most of us love to fill empty space with words when we are with someone else. I think we can often feel like there has to be something to occupy that space. I admire those that can be still and resist that urge to just fill the void with lots of words. I love the idea of being together in spirit, communicating soul to soul, without words.
There aren't that many people I can do that with. Don't get me wrong, I love walking and talking too! That is usually a much better experience, but occasionally I wonder if we wouldn't all just benefit from a more walks like that.
I walked behind them for 20 minutes and they kept this pattern flowing without interruption. It was so simple, yet so cool.
I think that is what I would want the most. To feel "ok" in his presence. To have a glimpse that I might be walking the right path, that I was doing well. Could all that be possible in one look? Yes! I believe it with all my heart. I know I would not want the burden of trying to find the right questions to ask him. I would already know in my heart who he is, but would want to feel what it would be like to have the gaze of someone who knows you better than anyone every has or will, that is only willing to see the best of you, your greatest strengths, your best self, which seems so elusive for you or me to grasp with our mere mortal eyes. To feel the perfect love he has for us. The kind of love that he gave his life for. I do not know that kind of love. I do not understand it and I cannot comprehend it. All I do know is that I have experienced a full heart, and have received spiritual feelings that seem to overflow the brim of my own body, my own capacity to hold it all in, I simply don't know where to put it all, so it just runs over..... It is deep but it isn't the perfect love that only Jesus and God can understand and convey. Imagine feeling the magnitude of that type of love from a single focused look.... Ah! how good it hurts to ponder that.
The truth is, he is right there now, walking with each me and you. The reason it is quiet is because I am still a child trying to figure out how to hear him through the spirit instead of with words.
So, yes, when I saw that little boy look up to his dad a step or two behind him and saw the look back I knew in an instant that is what I need and would want. I have had those looks from my own father, Mr. Robert Brown. The look of approval with him was enough to get me through life, I hope that the simple reassuring gaze from Jesus will get me back to Heaven.