
Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Answer
















Is there anything more beautifully stunning than receiving a clear answer to prayer?   I am not sure. 
It is like.... a calm lake.  So, just like releasing the birthday balloons to the heavens as an 8 year old after the party,  I now find a fistful of  different "balloons"-- representing the persistent plaguing questions I have so tightly gripped and grappled with for a season...  

Ah!.... so now to let go.... why is it so hard?  The answer has come so clear and plain.  Why the hesitation?   

I inhale in and hold my breath....for forever.........eventually I exhale.  My fingers open and I let go.......  A new smile starts to form... a different smile.  One that will sustain me, one that will matter years from now as I reflect back on this poignant moment in my life.  

May courage find us both !

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Two Dobermans

(The other day I made reference to the Two Dobermans in my "In Between" post.  Here is a bit more on that....)

I am not sure when they showed up.  I never invited them in.  They seemed to have just appeared.  I don't remember one and then the other... I have always known them together, and I guess they have always been there.  They can't seem to be without the other.

They have lived inside me all this time, they reside in the recesses of my mind.  They have found a home that is for sure and no matter what I do, they never leave.  I will not name them for they know who they are, I just wish they didn't know me so well.

These are they who represent both ends of the moral spectrum.  These are they who both think they know what I should hear, what I should know and what I should do.  They seem to know things I don't.  They have an uncanny sense of knowing when to show up....often during change.  They feed off of the "valley of despair".... that place I call the "dip" where confusion, anger and frustration live. They both have much to say.

When I get wound up the most is when I find the one on the right... barking loudly to me of all the things I deserve, that I should have, that I am justified in doing and having for my own.  When I least expect it I hear the other on the left....also barking, but the message is different, it is less voracious, but very compelling and persistent. This one reminds me of what I know, what I feel, what I believe in ...of where I need to point my life.  They take turns, but there are times when they don't..... they decide to go after one another.... sometimes I see them as an observer, wondering if they know I am watching... feeling the tension they create, wondering if either will back down.  They both know what it tastes like to win, so they are emboldened to hold their ground.  The trouble comes when I lose sense of who is right... how can they both sound right?!  That is when I feel the most chaos inside... when they both bark so boldly and brightly.

Do you have dobermans?  Maybe not dogs, maybe something else.... but do you know these actors in your mind's stage?  They read their lines a million times, but you still haven't heard a thing?  Rather you look for a way to avoid them, to drown out the barking by escaping to places in your mind and imagination where real answers are so elusive....The answers aren't ever in a place, rather, they are in you all the time....lingering waiting to see which one of the dobermans you end up listening to to coax out your choice.

Maybe you don't have them, but I do.  They are very familiar to me, but we are not friends.... and yet somehow they have become part of my psyche and my soul.  The conflict rages and then subsides..... in an endless continuous cycle like the perennial ebb and flow of the sea's tide.

Over time, as I have thought about them and their purpose,  I have come to believe that I need them.  I need the contrasting noise, I need to feel the pull one way and then the other, the familiar tug of suggestion until the moment of choice occurs..... They don't seem to keep score, but they never back down.  They drive me crazy, they keep me sane..... they cripple me with honesty and crush me with lies.  They remind me of the fight inside myself, the fight I hope to win...of who I need to be.

Yes, I have two dobermans....I hope yours are not like mine.....

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The End of Summer

It is midnight, Labor Day just passed by a few minutes ago...feels like the end of summer......

What a great weekend!  The sun was out, drenching all with its heat.  I was there, basking in it.  The moisture that came wasn't so bad, I knew it was going to come so I made room for it in my mind.... The sunset was awesome... it has been for the past few days.  The varied hues of yellow perfectly depict the season..... a season full of light.

I had carefully been keeping track of the days getting darker a few minutes faster.... as if thinking that if I paid that much attention I could will the day to linger, longer than it needed to....

Man I love the heady days of summer.  Where the world is a a glow with gold color.  Afternoons are the very best....They get really quiet...they are like incredible paintings just waiting to be watched, to be soaked in deep.  I love the clarity the heat brings to each day.  Hot is hot, and it is supposed to be that...right?  Why anything else during Summer?  To layout and feel the heat get to that perfect temperature when your body says "Hey, let's get in the water k?"  I always agree and getting in the water is wonderful.. the chill around the shoulders as they submerge causes the little shivers all over.... lingering with my arms over the side of the pool I wait until I really cool off, but then before I get too cold I climb out and lay flat on the hot cement pool side.... I feel the immediate burn and then feel the heat turn to warm.  The wind blows and I feel that oh so yummy balance of chill and heat at the same time.

Summers are made for long drives, long walks, long bike rides and long conversations on a porch. Summers make room for great memories to be made.  Early morning or late afternoons... the days are so extended they beckon for folks to come outside and be with it... Summer is for outside, but has a way of turning everything inside at the end of the proverbial summer's day.  Being out with family only really means making small important internal connections....

The bike rides with the warm wind in my face felt right.  It was very ok.... it felt familiar and like a friend it beckoned me to go a bit further, to discover country dirt roads I had never taken before, to look at farms, fields, homes and nature with new light, new filters with the only purpose to just..... discover, and soak and

Feels like the end of Summer, but oh what a Summer it was!!  I squeezed almost every minute of it I could.  I wasn't always busy, sometimes just super lazy.... whatever the day asked of me.... I gave freely.  

I love Fall, but Summers feel like old friends.  Easy to say hi to, easy to get a long with, always there when you need them.   

So, this Labor Day reminds me the Sun has worked hard.... it deserves a rest I guess, so with the familiar ache of hurting good I watch one of the last sunsets after 8pm descend below the Earth's horizon while it spews forth amazing colors of light as if one last ditch effort to remind us of all it can do and be.....

Yes, it feels like the end of last warm reassuring hug.